The Impact of Starting with a Focused, Evidence Based Assessment for FND
Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) is a condition that impacts how multiple brain networks function.
Your assessment needs to capture that for each unique person with FND.
Having an evidence based framework for assessment that is personalized to your client will help you...
Get more clarity with your client's FND picture
Be more confident in what to do for treatment
Achieve more success early on
What You'll Find Inside this FREE PDF Download
Key subjective exam questions you should be asking your clients with FND
A quick reference guide with an evidence based framework to help you break down tough FND cases
A list of great go-to assessments that will help you understand your client's presentation and can help your clients see early success with therapy.

"I currently treat a handful of FND patients with a variety of presentations and the use of the pie chart and varying sensory strategies are helpful tools I plan to take with me to practice."
Physical Therapist
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Meet your FND Guide
Julie Hershberg, PT, DPT, NCS
Julie has practiced in all settings in the neuro world including acute, inpatient rehab, home health, clinical research, community re-integration, tele-health and outpatient private practice. She started the only neurology-based fellowship program in the world, the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship. She mentors PTs internationally in their clinical growth and is a faculty member at USC. In addition, she started and runs re+active physical therapy & wellness. She was honored with the 2019 Award for Clinical Excellence in Neurology by the ANPT and has received several teaching awards from USC.

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