Hey there PTs and OTs!
Not sure where to start with Dystonia Treatment?
Get our FREE treatment guide!
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Hi, I’m Julie, a Neuro PT who is passionate about dystonia. Here's why....

What you'll find inside
A packed four page guide with our Top 3 Tips for Treatment of any type of dystonia!
→You will start with a quick introduction to the pathophysiology of Dystonia
→ Then you'll get our Top 3 Tips PLUS  example treatment ideas to try for each tip!
- Get started with 5 different options to regulate your client's nervous system
- Explore a nice big 'ol list of ways to tinker with the sensory system and find that off switch!
- Make sure you've checked your boxes with the recommended assessments to try in order to drive the treatment for underlying factors that might be contributing to your client's dystonia!
See what other's are saying

Physical Therapist
"I have grown and learned so much! You are inspiring and presented me with the missing pieces that have helped me progress some of the patients that I have been stuck on"

Physical Therapist
"Really set a very nice frame work for the setup and treatment for dystonia. Still may not feel 100% confident, but feel I have the tools in my toolbox to work towards that confidence!"
If you want an easy way to get started in Dystonia grab this free FREE guide now!
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More about Chelsea + Julie

Chelsea Richardson is a board-certified neurologic clinical specialist physical therapist based out of Los Angeles, California working at re+active therapy, an outpatient clinic that specializes in integrated neurologic physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychotherapy and wellness services. She completed her doctoral studies at University of Southern California in 2016. She has a passion for working with complex movement disorders and completed the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship in 2017. She continues to mentor physical therapists and doctor of physical therapy students in the area of movement disorders as the current director of the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship.
Julie Hershberg has practiced in all settings in the neuro world including acute, inpatient rehab, home health, clinical research, community re-integration, tele-health and outpatient private practice. She started the only neurology-based fellowship program in the world, the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship, 6 years ago. She mentors, teaches and supports PTs internationally in their clinical growth. In addition, she started and runs re+active physical therapy & wellness, an outpatient neurology therapy and fitness practice in the Los Angeles area. She has gained a lot of business expertise while on the up and down journey of private practice ownership and loves to share lessons learned and help others get started. Most importantly, she adores patient care and mentoring. She was honored with the 2019 Award for Clinical Excellence in Neurology by the ANPT and the 2020 APTA Henry O. and Florence P. Kendall Award. Known for her creativity, enthusiasm and fun in the classroom, she has received several teaching awards at the University of Southern California, as well. Passionate to the core, she been sharing weekly videos and neuro nuggets with the world for years and loves the community of therapists who share her enthusiasm.
Get started with Dystonia--Get the guide now.Â
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