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Hey there compassionate therapist, we see you 🥰
Being a deeply compassionate therapist is so rewarding and (let's be honest here) oh so challenging all at the same time.
Your deep caring nature and drive to provide excellent care makes you the amazing therapist you are.
→A unicorn amongst a sea of endless providers who "don't have time" for their clients or keep referring clients elsewhere - you stick around and try to make a difference.
You give a sh*t about the work you do and the clients you work with. You go above and beyond the call of duty to help your clients live fulfilling lives and strive day in and day out to help them succeed...
...no matter the personal cost...
But that's what this comes down to and why you're here, right?
YOUR personal cost is taking its toll.
"Compassion fatigue is the cost of caring for others or for their emotional pain, resulting from the desire to help relieve the suffering of others. It is also known as vicarious or secondary trauma, referencing the way that other people's trauma can become their own." - The Canadian Medical Association
As compassionate therapists we are SO giving and it costs us greatly.
→ We give away our personal time to help clients instead of taking care of ourselves
→ We give away our headspace thinking of ways we can do better for our clients, when we could be more present with loved ones
→ We give away our emotional availability by using every ounce of our empathy and compassion for our clients so that we are left feeling empty or unable to have space to be emotionally available for other people in our lives or ourselves.
How long can you keep this going?
It's time to make a change.
Sign up here for our Compassion Fatigue Antidote and take your first step towards finding a better way to manage compassion fatigue as a therapist
What you get in your starter kit
This FREE starter tool kit will help you start your journey to reduce compassion fatigue.
01. Checking-in Support Needs Checklist
→ Use this PDF guide to start your journey by evaluating what YOUR needs are for support and take some small, but meaningful action steps to build a support system that enables you to do the brilliant work you are doing in a sustainable way

02. Self Compassion Visual Reminders
→ Choose from up to 8 wallpaper reminders for your phone that encourages you to prioritize your boundaries, your wellbeing, and encourages you to develop the support system you need.

03. Grounding Technique Audio File
→Mindfulness can be a great tool regulate your nervous system and pace your day. Listen to an audio recording of a grounding technique before or after challenging sessions. Audio created by one of our Occupational Therapists, Naoya Ogura, OTD, OTR/L

What people are saying about our Compassion Fatigue focused courses and community support

"I believe the course challenged me to review myself and how I interact with patients. When I get burnt out, I often feel like I don't have control, and this challenged me to look into not only the clinician my patients needs but the person I need to be to be satisfied in my work, family, and recreational life." - C.C. a PT

"It has given me more insight and more resources to manage complex cases in the clinic. Alternatively, it has given me strategies to better cope and handle complex situations to minimize the effect it has on my personal life." -J.D a PT
Learn from these two deeply compassionate therapists

Brittany Kim is an orthopedic specialist with a neuro heart. She is your go to person who finds creative ways to combine solid biomechanics with neuroscience. Brittany completed the orthopedic residency at USC and has been mentoring residents ever since. She now heads up re+active as a site for the USC residency, teaches "brain based" techniques in the orthopedic curriculum and leads all of the education programs for staff, students and residents at re+active. She is a guest lecturer on the topic of Centralized Pain in USC's DPT program. She has taught in the USC Spine Fellowship Program as well. She mentors physical therapists internationally in the management of complex cases and she treats people with CRPS, POTS, EDS, and neurologic patients with orthopedic issues.
Julie Hershberg has practiced in all settings in the neuro world including acute, inpatient rehab, home health, clinical research, community re-integration, tele-health and outpatient private practice. She started the only neurology-based fellowship program in the world, the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship, 6 years ago. She mentors, teaches and supports PTs internationally in their clinical growth. In addition, she started and runs re+active physical therapy & wellness, an outpatient neurology therapy and fitness practice in the Los Angeles area. She has gained a lot of business expertise while on the up and down journey of private practice ownership and loves to share lessons learned and help others get started. Most importantly, she adores patient care and mentoring. She was honored with the 2019 Award for Clinical Excellence in Neurology by the ANPT and the 2020 APTA Henry O. and Florence P. Kendall Award. Known for her creativity, enthusiasm and fun in the classroom, she has received several teaching awards at the University of Southern California, as well. Passionate to the core, she been sharing weekly videos and neuro nuggets with the world for years and loves the community of therapists who share her enthusiasm.
Get your FREE starter kit today to start reducing compassion fatigue today!
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