3 Steps toĀ Functional Neurological Disorder Success
Learn the 3 Most Effective Strategies to make an impact with FND
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Sign me up for the newsletter!Who is this Free Workshop for?
This workshop is for therapistsĀ who struggle with...
Being efficient with clinical reasoning when there are so many other diagnoses on top of FND
Feeling like you are taking on a ton of different roles/responsibilities beyond being a PT or OT and it is getting overwhelming
Just knowing where to even start or focus your plan attack to help someone with FND
How we'll work together to build your confidence with FND
→ We'll first talk about the ideal mindset to have as a clinician to get optimal outcomes.
It's time to stop being the “fixer” and moving towards being to the “coach” so you feel less overwhelmed with complex FND management
→ We'll then break down + simplify complex FND cases with our favorite framework
Finally have an easier way to see through the chaos and know where to start!
→ We'll finally talk about the support you and your client need when navigating through these challenging cases
Guess what, you can't be the only clinician on this person's team AND you shouldn't go it alone if you want to see great outcomes.

"The passion to teach and provide the community with information on these topics is truly evident and inspirational from these presenters. The joy and genuine love to just provide patients with the best care and providers with the knowledge to do so, is something that draws me back to this group all the time." -K.K. a PT

"I got a more organized approach to assessment and treatment of the patient with FMD with a deeper understanding in confidence in how to explain the pathophysiology" - E.S. a PT
Learn from these two FND obsessed women!

Brittany Kim is an orthopedic specialist with a neuro heart. She is your go to person who finds creative ways to combine solid biomechanics with neuroscience. Brittany completed the orthopedic residency at USC and has been mentoring residents ever since. She now heads up re+active as a site for the USC residency, teaches "brain based" techniques in the orthopedic curriculum and leads all of the education programs for staff, students and residents at re+active. She is a guest lecturer on the topic of Centralized Pain in USC's DPT program. She has taught in the USC Spine Fellowship Program as well. She mentors physical therapists internationally in the management of complex cases and she treats people with CRPS, POTS, EDS, and neurologic patients with orthopedic issues.
Julie Hershberg has practiced in all settings in the neuro world including acute, inpatient rehab, home health, clinical research, community re-integration, tele-health and outpatient private practice. She started the only neurology-based fellowship program in the world, the Schmidt Movement Disorders Fellowship, 6 years ago. She mentors, teaches and supports PTs internationally in their clinical growth. In addition, she started and runs re+active physical therapy & wellness, an outpatient neurology therapy and fitness practice in the Los Angeles area. She has gained a lot of business expertise while on the up and down journey of private practice ownership and loves to share lessons learned and help others get started. Most importantly, she adores patient care and mentoring. She was honored with the 2019 Award for Clinical Excellence in Neurology by the ANPT and the 2020 APTA Henry O. and Florence P. Kendall Award. Known for her creativity, enthusiasm and fun in the classroom, she has received several teaching awards at the University of Southern California, as well. Passionate to the core, she been sharing weekly videos and neuro nuggets with the world for years and loves the community of therapists who share her enthusiasm.